atop the boughs of the great tree Teldrassil lies the wondrous city of
Darnassus, the new refuge of the reclusive Night Elves. Druids,
Hunters, and Warriors alike make their homes among the rows of
woodcrafted lodges and delicately tended groves. The Temple of the Moon
rises like a shining beacon above the trees, flanked by the colonnaded
Hall of Justice, where the vigilant Sentinels gather to safeguard the
land. Ruled by the high Priestess, Tyrande Whisperwind, Darnassus
stands as a tranquil testament to all that the Night Elves hold sacred.
A city in tune with the rush and flow of nature, Darnassus was built
along the shores of a large lake, with elegant bridges spanning its
crystalline waters. Elsewhere, the falling leaves of the forest carpet
the soft pathways of the city.